






An 个体化教育计划(等电位点) is a written statement and a legal document of the educational program designed to meet a student's individual needs. 威尼斯官网在线(威尼斯官网在线)开发基于标准的iep, 它包含很多成分, 包括目前的教育水平和功能表现, 测试和教学设施, 目标和目的, 以及许多其他法律定义的元素.  

每个接受特殊教育服务的学生都必须有等电位点. 的 等电位点 will be reviewed and revised (if necessary) at least once each year at an annual review meeting. 邀请家长/监护人参加所有等电位点小组会议.



残疾人教育法 ensures two basic rights of eligible students with disabilities: (1) the right to a free appropriate public education, (2)在限制最少的环境中接受教育的权利.

残疾人教育法 (IDEA 97)被重新授权,现在被称为 残疾人教育改善法案 of 2004 (IDEA或IDEA).

的 new IDEIA amendments resulted in significant changes in the way public schools refer, 评估, 识别, 服务, 约束残疾学生. IDEIA整合了大部分的 每个学生成功法案(ESSA) requirements for students with disabilities and emphasizes school accountability for ensuring they have access to, 并且在, 正规教育课程.




限制最少的环境: 执行“最少限制环境”的IDEA规定意味着, 在适当的最大程度上, school districts must educate students with disabilities in the regular classroom with appropriate aids and supports, 简称“辅助艾滋病服务”, " along with their nondisabled peers in the school they would attend if not disabled, 除非学生的等电位点需要其他安排.

的 regular classroom in the school the student would attend if not disabled is the first placement option considered for each student with disabilities before a more restrictive placement is considered.




A developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal 沟通 and social interaction, 通常在三岁前就明显了, 哪些因素会对学生的学习成绩产生负面影响. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, 对环境变化或日常生活变化的抗拒, 以及对感官体验的不寻常反应.  

自闭症 does not apply if a student's educational performance is adversely affected primarily because the student has an emotional disability.

大多数从业者和教育者认为自闭症是一种“谱系”障碍, 一组具有相似特征的疾病, which can range from mild to severe: referred to as “自闭症 Spectrum Disorder” (ASD).


A hearing impairment that is so severe that the student is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, 有或没有放大, 这对学生的学习成绩有不利影响.



听觉和视觉同时受损, the combination of which causes such severe 沟通 and other developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for students with deafness or students with blindness.


For children from birth to age three (under IDEA Part C) and children from ages three through seven (under IDEA Part B), 发育迟缓一词, 由每个国家定义, 指以下一个或多个方面的延迟:身体发育, 认知发展, 沟通, 社交或情感发展, 或者适应性(行为)发展. 


A condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time, 而且在很大程度上, 这对学生的学习成绩有不利影响:

  • An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, 感觉, or health factors;
  • An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers;
  • 不恰当的行为:正常情况下不恰当的行为或感觉;
  • 沮丧:普遍存在的不快乐或沮丧的情绪;
  • A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems.

情感障碍包括精神分裂症. 这个词不适用于社会适应不良的学生, 除非确定他们有情感障碍.


听力受损, 无论是永久的还是波动的, 这对学生的学习成绩有不利影响 but that is not included under the definition of deafness in this section.



一般智力功能明显低于平均水平, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period 这对学生的学习成绩有不利影响.


A severe orthopedic impairment 这对学生的学习成绩有不利影响. 的 term includes impairments caused by a congenital anomaly, impairments caused by disease (e.g.如脊髓灰质炎、骨结核),以及其他原因造成的损伤(如脊髓灰质炎、骨结核).g., cerebral palsy, amputations, and fractures or burns that cause contractures). 



力量有限, 活力, 或警觉性, 包括对环境刺激的高度警觉, that results in limited alertness with respect to the educational environment.

是由于慢性或急性健康问题,如哮喘, 注意缺陷障碍或注意缺陷多动障碍, 糖尿病, 癫痫, 心脏病, 血友病, 铅中毒, 白血病, 性肾炎, 风湿热, 镰状细胞性贫血, 和妥瑞氏综合症.


A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using 语言, 口头或书面, 这可能表现为不完美的倾听能力, 认为, 说话, 读, 写, 拼写。, 或者做数学计算. 它包括知觉障碍等情况, 脑损伤, 轻度脑功能障碍, 难语症, 发展性失语症.


沟通障碍, 比如口吃, 受损的清晰度, 语言障碍, 或者是声音障碍, 这对学生的学习成绩有不利影响.


脑外伤由外力对大脑造成的后天性损伤, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, 或两个, 这对学生的学习成绩有不利影响.

Traumatic 脑损伤 applies to open or closed head injuries resulting in impairments in one or more areas, 比如认知, 语言, 内存, 注意, 推理, 抽象思维, 判断, 解决问题, 感觉, 知觉, 运动能力, 心理行为, 身体机能, 信息处理, 和语音.

Traumatic 脑损伤 does not apply to brain injuries that are congenital or degenerative, 或者是出生创伤导致的脑损伤.


视力的损害, 即使有修正, 对学生的学习成绩有不利影响. 这个术语包括部分视力和失明.


  • 认知
  • 感觉
  • 物理

Concomitant impairments (such as intellectual disability-blindness or intellectual disability-orthopedic impairment), the combination of which causes such severe educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for one of the impairments. 多重残疾不包括聋盲.



An 个性化家庭服务计划(IFSP) documents and guides the early intervention process for young students with disabilities and their families before they enter kindergarten. It contains information about the services necessary to facilitate a student's development and enhance the family's capacity to support the student's development. 通过IFSP过程, 家庭成员和服务提供者作为一个团队来计划, 实现, 评估针对家庭问题的具体服务, 优先级, 以及可用的资源. A service coordinator then helps the family by coordinating the services outlined in the IFSP.



免费适当公共教育(FAPE) is an educational right of children with disabilities which is guaranteed by the 1973年康复法案 和想法. 理念之下, FAPE is defined as an educational program that is individualized to a specific student, 专为满足学生的独特需求而设计的, 提供通识课程, 符合国家规定的年级标准, 学生从中得到教育上的好处. 为有残疾的学生提供FAPE, 学校必须为学生提供教育, 包括专业指导, 以及为学生继续深造做准备的相关服务, 就业, 独立生活.



延长学年(ESY) services are provided beyond the regular school year to eligible students receiving special education services. ESY服务旨在满足学生等电位点的特定目标.  ESY不仅仅是学年的延长, 自动暑期学校安排, 或者一个夏季充实计划, 并不是每个残疾学生都需要ESY.  In fact, ESY may be appropriate for a relatively small number of students with disabilities. 然而, the 等电位点 team is legally obligated to consider and 评估 the appropriateness of ESY eligibility at the annual review meeting for any student receiving special education services. ESY服务类型不同, 强度, 位置, 包括相关服务, 和时间长度, 根据学生的需要.
